DSFCA Code of Ethics
Danish-Swedish Farmdog Club of America
Code of Ethics for Members
The members of the Danish-Swedish Farmdog Club of America (DSFCA), in order to protect, promote and foster the advancement and exhibiting of the Danish-Swedish Farmdog (DSF), do hereby set forth this code of ethics. In all questions of ethics, covered or not by this code, the individual member shall act solely in the best interest of the breed, while the membership shall willingly aid any DSF owner in upholding these interests.
General Conduct of Members
- Members shall always be aware that the DSFCA exists to improve and protect the breed and that these aims are uppermost in the minds of the members in all their activities involving the breed.
- No member shall:
a. Knowingly falsify pedigree or breeding information.
b. Knowingly sell to an unethical breeder or persons you suspect will resell the dog.
c. Demean another member’s DSF or kennel publicly or on any social media platform.
- Members shall:
a. Make every effort to educate any new owner or interested person and to be both instructive and constructive in their comments.
b. Always demonstrate good sportsmanship.
c. Always behave in a manner that will be conducive to the advancement of the DSF breed and the DSFCA.
d. Always hold the welfare of the dog foremost, whether in competition or a working situation.
Enforcement and Discipline
- Breach of these provisions may result in Board action which may include, but is not limited to, revocation of DSFCA Membership and/or reporting to the relevant authorities for legal action where laws and ordinances have been violated.
- It is the responsibility of each member to make inquiry concerning suspected violation of this Code of Ethics. Should a violation appear to exist, the Board of Directors should be notified and action may be taken in accordance with Article VI, section 2 of the Constitution and By-laws of the Danish-Swedish Farmdog Club of America.
- The Officers and the Board of Directors of the DSFCA fully back any breeder whose contract has been shown to have been breached by a buyer.
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