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Types of Membership

  • Individual Membership - are available to those that meet the eligibility requirements of the DSFCA and allow each member to enjoy all privileges of the Club including the right to vote, hold office, serve on committees and count in a quorum.  A Single Membership carries one vote.

  • Household Membership - Two members of the same household, 18 years of age or older, may join with membership dues equivalent to one and one-half times the single membership rate per annum.  Each of these members will have one vote.  Only one member of a household membership, at any one time, may hold office in the Association, provided that they are residents of the United States.

  • Foreign Membership - Foreign Memberships are not eligible to vote, hold office, serve on any committee or count in a quorum.

  • Junior Membership - Junior members are under the age of 18 years and do not have voting rights.


Payment of Dues

Due are payable on or before the start of the membership year on the first day of April. Dues will be considered late on the second day of April. 


Application for Membership.

Each applicant for membership in the DSFCA shall apply on a Board-approved Application for Membership, which shall provide that the applicant agrees to abide by the Constitution, Bylaws and the rules and regulations of The American Kennel Club.



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